Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the following: Professional service providers for the period of three (3) years (panel of PSPs). Specifications: Categories/disciplines: - Project Managers; - Architects; - Quantity Surveyors; - Electrical Engineers; - Mechanical Engineers; - Civil Engineers; - Structural Engineers; - Occupational Health and Safety. Depending on the nature and requirements of specific projects that pricing proposals/RFQs will be issued out for, the following disciplines may be required/added as disbursements to those indicated and will be indicated accordingly in the pricing proposals/RFQs; - Geo-technology; - Heritage Services; - Furniture and equipment specialists/interior designer; - Information Technology; - Fire Services; - Wet Services; - Landscaping Services; - Land Surveying; - Geo-Hydrologist; - Environmental Specialist. The Professional Service Provider’s appointed on the panel will be responsible for but not limited to the following activities: - Respond to all calls for repairs, remedial work, and replacements; - Supervision for the replacement of damaged, warn out, or broken off fence sections; - Steel palisade, concrete palisade, and all other fencing systems within the organization; - Fencing installation as needed; - Construction of New various facilities; - Upgrades and Additions for various facilities; - Water and Sanitation Services; - Installation of Boreholes; - Conduct investigations and provide corrective action on all work pertaining to various construction projects within the IDT Organization; - Responds to all requests as they come in and identifies repair work-related activities with the organization; - Betterment and Re-gravelling of Roads; - Construction of New Roads; - Upgrade of Gravel Road to Blacktop Roads; - Rehabilitation of Blacktop Road (Light and Heavy); - Blading of Gravel Roads; - Construction of Culverts; - Construction of New Bridges and Rehabilitation; - Emergency Road Repairs; - Blacktop Patching; - Construction of Sidewalk. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (Тендер №92203896ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 92203896
Дата публикации: 09-10-2023


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