Bids are hereby invited for the following: Outsourcing of service provider for the removal and destruction of health care risk waste for Free State Province over a period of three (03) years. (Тендер №92279587ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 92279587
Дата публикации: 10-10-2023


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Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the refurbishment of ECDC properties in Butterworth, Cluster F1. Scope of Work: The work comprises the following: Renovations & repairs to three residential properties in Butterworth, namely Bashee Court (Fitzpatrick Rd), Kyalami Flats (Scanlen St) & Msintsi Court (McKittrick St, Extension 7): Bashee Court (3-storey units in blocks of 4 units per block & totalling 20 units): • Rebuilding of & structural repairs to 8 no fire-damaged units & outbuildings; • Repairs & renovations to 12 no units & outbuildings; • New internal finishes & fittings to fire-damaged units; • New windows & doors to fire-damaged units; • Repairs & upgrading of finishes & fittings to remaining units; • Replacement of damaged doors & windows to remaining units; • Installation of new electrical & water meters & upgrading of fire fighting equipment for compliance; • Installation of new solar geyser system; • Upgrading of underground sewer system & replacement of missing sections of water supply pipes; • Repairs & upgrading to perimeter fence & boundary walls; Kyalami Flats (3-storey block of 18 units): • Repairs & renovations to 18 units & covered parking; • Replacement of blocked underground sewers & unblocking of main sewer line to municipal connection; • Replacement of sewer stacks & vent valves to all units & surface-mounted on building facade; • Installation of new electrical & water meters & upgrading of fire fighting equipment for compliance; • Replacement of existing perimeter fence; • Structural repairs to building & courtyard slabs; Msintsi Court (2-storey duplex units in 4 blocks & totalling 8 units): • Repairs & renovations to 8 units & garages; • Replacement of doors & windows; • Unblock existing underground sewers; • Installation of new electrical & water meters & upgrading of fire fighting equipment for compliance; • Installation of new solar geyser system. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a panel of legal practitioners (admitted and enrolled as such in terms of sections 24 and 30 of the LPC Act) for the National Lotteries Commission for a period of three years. Scope of work: The successful firms of legal practitioners’ will, as and when required by the NLC render legal services on a wide range of specialized areas, including but not limited to: (a) Represent and act on behalf of the NLC in litigation matters before various Courts; (b) Provide Corporate, Commercial and Regulatory Compliance legal advice; (c) Advise the board, on matters of corporate governance and changes to legislation; (d) Assist the NLC to develop, implement and monitor strategies on corporate governance; (e) Legal Risk Management; (f) Review, Negotiate and Draft Contracts; (g) Chair Employee Disciplinary Hearings; (h) Provide legal advice with matters relating to anti-bribery, corruption and fraud prevention; (i) Represent the NLC during Employee Disciplinary Hearings (Evidence Leaders); (j) Represent and act on behalf of the NLC at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and Labour Courts; (k) Represent and act on behalf of the NLC in Arbitrations and other Alternative Dispute Resolution platforms and Quasi-Judicial Forums; (l) Debt Collection/Debt Recovery; (m) Review and draft policies and/or legislation; (n) Provide Training on various pieces of legislation and any other related legal issues; (o) Conduct Legal Due Diligence. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: National Department of Public Works, Kimberley invites tenders for service, maintenance and repair of pumps for 24 months in Kuruman and surrounding area. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited from suitably experienced service providers for the following: Provision of short-term insurance for a period of three years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of services to procure material and services of the Automated Mooring System (AMS) for Ports Maintenance, Koedoespoort, Transnet Engineering for once off period. Place where goods, works or services are required: 160 Lynette Street - Koedoespoort - Pretoria - 0186. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS