Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Provision of boiler washing, unblocking and vacuuming for a period of 36 months at Camden Power Station. Scope of works: Cleaning - vacuuming: • Evaporator bottom dead space (front and rear); • Top nose dead space; • Penthouse dead space; • Boiler house rooftop (52m level); • Explosion damper vacuuming; • Steam drum cleaning after stripping internal components; • Air heater trench vacuuming; • Air heater vacuuming; • Mill internal vacuuming; • Mill gearbox cleaning and vacuuming. Cleaning - high pressure washing: • Boiler ash hopper tubes; • Evaporator dead space (front and rear); • Full boiler Furness i.e., evaporator walls, roof tubes, super heater 3 and 4 elements superheater 1 and 2 elements; • Top nose dead space; • Economiser top and bottom bank elements; • Unblocking and high-pressure cleaning of the Economizer hopper; • High Pressure cleaning or removal of ash build-ups on boiler tubing; • Boiler washing on the ash box sealing trough; • Boiler drain and impulse lines. Air heater vacuuming and cleaning: a) Vacuum all the ash out of air heater casings and duct areas adjacent to the air heater; b) Wash the ducts and air heater casing with low pressure jet to eliminate the ash – allow water to drain by opening drainage system before washing; c) Vacuuming and cleaning of ash on the air heater crossover ducts. Pf pipes vacuuming: a) Vacuum all debris that are blocking the Pf pipes; b) Vacuuming of ash and debris inside the mill. FFP Hoppers; a) Unblocking and removing of clinkers in FFP hoppers using high pressure machine with water use of high-pressure machine only to be used if unblocking by poking has failed; b) Hoppers will only be considered unblocked if clinkers are completely removed. (not just ash flowing). Modification of the nozzle might be necessary to enable unblocking without removal of square to rounds but this will be advised once / if finalized. Vacuuming of FFP ducting: a) Removal of ash / dust from FFP ducting by vacuum cleaning; b) Removal of ash / dust from inside FFP Cells (on tube plates and ducting where bags are located). PF burners and wind box cleaning: a) Vacuuming and cleaning of ash / dust from within each wind box row. 5 rows per unit, PF/dust may be hot (>40° Celsius); b) Vacuuming /cleaning of dust from wind box damper shaft mountings on wind box rear (4 areas per set of wind box damper vanes – 40 areas per unit); c) Vacuuming of wind box roof of PF/dust. This dust may be hot (>40° Celsius) - External vacuuming; d) Vacuuming of individuals PF burners (if not catered for under PF pipes). Equipment: a) High Pressure washing machine that has a minimum output pressure of 1000 bar. b) Vacuuming truck must be supplied and operate with: i. Minimum of 1000 bars suction pressure; ii. The capacity of the collectors body tank must have minimum of 10 000L; iii. The tank must be designed to handle minimum temperature of 40° Celsius; c) Fittings and pipework to handle minimum temperature and pressure; d) Cleaning or housekeeping material. (Тендер №92666014ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 92666014
Дата публикации: 17-10-2023


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