Tenders are hereby invited for the Full risk maintenance agreement for elevators. The service will be required at the following Sites: - Main Campus [Hatfield]; - South Campus [Hatfield]; - Groenkloof Campus; - Medical Campus [Prinshof]; - Onderstepoort Campus; - Mamelodi Campus; - Sports Campus [Hillcrest]; - Ladies Residences [Hatfield]; - Residences [Hillcrest]; - Engineering 4 [Hillcrest Campus]. (Тендер №93108093ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 93108093
Дата публикации: 25-10-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Citrix Netscaler MPX incl. Wartung Источник: iTWO tender

Achiziţia publică de servicii de introducere a sistemului de plată prin terminal electronic de acceptare a cardurilor la punctul de încasare - EFT - POS (Electronic fund transfer at Point of Sale) şi ON-LINE, pentru încasarea tarifelor percepute de ONRC prin intermediul cardurilor de debit şi a cardurilor de credit Источник: SEAP

Servicii de inchiriere de personal Источник: SEAP

Re-advertisement: Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a qualified, experienced and accredited training service provider to conduct training on Unit Standard: 262729 - operate a tracked dozer and Unit Standard: 262727 Tractor Loader Backhoe. Scope: • Course Name: Operate a Tracked Dozer; Unit Standard: 262729; Duration: 5 days Learners: 15 Learners; • Course Name: Tractor Loader Backhoe; Unit Standard: 262727; Duration: 5 days Learners: 20 Learners. Time frame: The training is intended to commence as soon as the service provider is appointed. Department: Corporate Support Services – Learning and Development Division. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: Q01.09.23: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Law Enforcement for Peace Officers (LEPO) programme for five (5) municipal officials credit bearing. Specifications: The duties of the Service Provider (Key Performance Indicators) during the course of the assignment will be the following: - Provide a suitably qualified trainer/facilitator to conduct training and facilitate the skilling of employees; - Facilitate training and engage with employees to determine their level of knowledge and background on the subject matter and train employees to close the identified skills gap; - The facilitation should happen in a classroom environment where possible or as may be suitable for the intervention; - The Service provider will provide the necessary training material including but not limited to, training manuals, writing material, Computer/laptop and or projector as may be necessary; - Provide necessary equipment to perform practical exercises; - Attendance register for the training and evaluation forms for the training; - Must communicate with Human Resources department about all arrangement to ensure a smooth arrangement for the training; - The service provider must make known all other processes that will happen after the training that relate to the certification of employees. The course outline is as follows: • The Law and it’s Sources; • The South African Criminal Justice system; • Criminal Accountability; • Initiation, Prosecution and access to Legal Assistance; • Practical aspects of enforcement by peace officers who are not police officers; • Role Players in the magistrate’s courts and the presentation of evidence; • Appointments, functions and powers of peace officers/inspectors; • Reading of legislation and basic interpretation; • Administrative Enforcement; • Ethics and Professionals in Law – Enforcement; • Anti-corruptions; • How Local Government Works. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Information are hereby requested for the following: Supply and installation of Afrison Kremetart 600W LED stadium luminaires at EPL Sports Field for Sibanye-Stillwater. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS