Re-Advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of brand, Public Relations (PR), marketing and digital communication services for a period of four (4) years. Scope of work: Public Relations: • Assist with PR and media campaigns and corporate events for Transnet; • Develop media strategies based on a thorough understanding of Transnet’s operations, its core mandate and its contribution to the South African economy to proactively anticipate and address issues red-flagged in the news clipping analysis; • Generate relevant content based on Transnet’s Corporate Strategy and programmes across all operating divisions – databank; • Formulate a comprehensive media database and actively upkeep such – reflecting Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), readership, cost, reach and frequency; • Arrange a well-established media network in all provinces covering mainstream, technical/trade, community newspapers as well as electronic and social media; • Plot Transnet’s reputation index and develop media tactics to sway such. This may include profiling executives supported by opinion pieces, speeches at major events, presentations at conferences, etc; • Develop detailed crisis communication plans for Transnet; • Identify and probe thought leadership platforms in alignment with Transnet’s corporate strategy; • Create a cost-effective programme for media training for executive management, manage such for print, radio and television; • Provide latest trends on interview styles, technology and voice-overs; • Handle events logistics management for media events such as media tours and media briefings; • On-the- ground support for events – i.e., FaceBook Live, twitter updates & Instagram stories etc; • Provide timeous video, photographs and infographics. Arrange photographic services for Transnet events. Ideation, scripting, look and feel, production and editing of short video clips (under 60 minutes), subtitling, editing;of Transnet-produced videos, animated video clips; • Reporting (pre-event, event and post-event). Provide an ROI report within a week after each event, showing the;data collected in terms of contacts initiated, queries addressed, Transnet information distributed, and estimated; number of people reached during the activation; • Indicate preferred and effective modes of communication within the communities where activations will take place; • Media monitoring of Transnet coverage across traditional and digital media, and distribution of press releases and newsletters at key markets of representation (national and international). (Тендер №93794008ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 93794008
Дата публикации: 07-11-2023


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