Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Stationery (ARC-TSC) Hluhluwe. Specification: 1. Pentel correction fluid pen type metal tip multi purpose 18m x 2 each; 2. BIC click medium ball pen - black, box of 60 x 1 each; 3. Replica combo ring binding elements (10mm + 16mm), size: A4 x 2 each; 4. Clear binding covers size A4 microns 150 light use (1 x pack) x 1 each; 5. white board A4 160gsm (1 x pack of 50) x 1 each; 6. Bostik prestik pliant adhesive 100g x 2 each; 7. Buff Econo packaging tape 48mm x 100m large core x 3 each; 8. note book Omega A5 Hard Cover Notebook 128 lined pages x 9 each; 9. Artline EK 100 black industrial marker chisel - box of 6 x 1 each; 10. Stainless steel 19.6cm rubber grip scissor x 2 each; 11. Left handed 21cm expert scissors x 1 each; 12. Artline EK70 permanent marker bullet point black 1.5mm box x 1 each; 13. Pritt glue stick large 43gr x 2 each; 14. Plastic pocket A4 W45P (1 x pack of 100) x 1 each. Delivery address: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, ARC-ITSC, Hluhluwe Pineapple Research, Buhlebendalo, 3960. (Тендер №95888354ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 95888354
Дата публикации: 08-12-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

WFD Georgia - Invitation to Tender - Ex-Ante RIA and GIA for Climate Law of Georgia Источник: gov.uk Contracts Finder

Supply and Installation of New Play Equipment at Pockeridge Road Play Areas, Corsham Источник: gov.uk Contracts Finder

23116 CCC Children in Care Источник: gov.uk Contracts Finder

AC1829_Carers Support Services Wiltshire_Lots 1-3 Источник: gov.uk Contracts Finder

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Crop insurance for soybean - Bethlehem branch. Qty: 300 hectors. The specified goods/services should be delivered/rendered to: Name of Institute: ARC Small Grain; Address: R76, Lindley Road; Blydskapweg; Bethlehem; 9700. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Please confirm the closing time as two were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified and accredited service providers who are interested in the provision of the services for Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Municipality: Appointment of a panel: Wellness and Occupational Health Practitioner for 3 years. Specifications: Medical Surveillance: The municipality has been conducting medical surveillance programme through various appointed practitioners for all employees. Working in dust, heights, and other hazardous environment e.g. Electricity section, Security, Traffic, Refuse & Removal, Housekeeping, Operators and Drivers. In the light of the services; any appointed practitioner will conduct the following activities; i. Occupational Health Medical Questionnaires; ii. Complete Medical Examination, including urine dipstick/s; iii. Vision Test; iv. Spirometry (Lung Functioning Test); v. Audiometry; vi. Chest X-Rays where indicated; vii. Laboratory Test where indicated Vaccination; viii. Vaccination when needed; The services shall be provided at the cost agreeable between the municipality and the service provider. This shall be done periodically as provided in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and as can be determined by the practitioner or the municipality. Risk assessment: i. Health Hazards Identification: All sites of the institution shall be inspected to check and confirm health hazards that can prevail based on chemicals, machines, vehicles and any other cause. This will also include periodic inspections done by internal Health and Safety Committee thus in some instances joint inspections shall be conducted; ii. Risk Assessments: All risks identified will be assessed to determine measures of protection or cure; iii. Suggest Rectifications: Practitioners will be provided necessary rectification on any identified risks or hazards. Rehabilitation: They have growing change of addiction to substance by our employees; these addiction to alcohol and other drugs amount to regular absenteeism, abuse of sick leaves which limits productivity in workplace. In the same light the Employee Wellness Policy commits that the municipality must facilitate access to appropriate specialized rehabilitation centres and cost must be incurred by the municipality where the employee has no medical aid, or the medical aid does not cover rehabilitation services. In the light of the above the health practitioner will also provide access to rehab for any referrals we may have. Psychological Evaluations and Professional Counselling: As an organization that is made of human beings; they are not immune to emotional and social problems that affect productivity. It is in this light that in our employee wellness policy they commit to provide professional counselling to employees and immediate family members in the areas of psychological problems, trauma, and rehabilitation and workplace conflict. According to this point all employees who are deemed to be in needy of counselling or psychological evaluations will be referred to the health practitioner. Occasional Referrals: We have in the previous instances had necessary conditions where we need to refer employees to practitioners for any diseases they allege to have; in case where such illnesses are suspected to be work related. These referrals form part of business advisory procedures in case where there is a need of health professional opinion. Occupational Health Awareness: The employer ought to timeously conduct awareness programmes where the institution capacitates its employees of work outside work health issues so that employees would live healthy lifestyle. In previous occurrences we have outsourced these services which sometimes result in failure thus if they are included in the periodic health programme it will be easy to conduct them. These awareness events will be quarterly or as determined by the municipality. This will be a three (3) years agreement to commence on the 2023/24 financial year to which each funding will depend on the available budget. The pricing rate will be increasing every year, and the practitioner will invoice to municipality on the bases of completed service in any of the listed services. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS