Quotations are hereby invited for the following: DOJ: Marquard Magistrate Office: 36 months garden maintenance service contract. The following services must be rendered on the work site: - Maintenance of lawn areas; - Maintenance of shrubs, roses, perennial plants, tuberous plants and trees; - Maintenance of annual seedlings. (Where applicable); - Maintenance of trees; - Cleaning of roads, sidewalks, footpaths and paved areas; - Pest control; - Picking up of rubble in and around the office terrain and periodic cleaning of rubbish bins. (Тендер №96013354ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 96013354
Дата публикации: 11-12-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

浙江公司宁海电厂B101检修主标段项目公开招标项目招标公告 Источник: www.chnenergybidding.com.cn

江西公司国能神华九江电厂2×1000MW二期扩建工程质量检测服务公开招标项目招标公告 Источник: www.chnenergybidding.com.cn

[KLF 2023/1677] Upphandling av Truck till gymnasiet Источник: kommers

Entretien annuel de la voirie communale Источник: bretagne-marchespublics.e-marchespublics.com

乙醇杂品采购(二次)询比采购公告 Источник: www.sdicc.com.cn

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Repair wiggins concrete structures (pulsators & filters) using wall thickening jacketing method & Sika methodology. Scope: Concrete Repair Proposal: a) Visually inspect and hammer test the entire concrete surface to identify and mark out defected concrete spalling; b) Cut a 10mm slot the defected concrete spalling and break out concrete to expose all corroded rebar, break 20-25mm behind corroded rebar; c) Where necessary replace rebar as a rule of thumb, replace rebar where 10% of cross section has been lost. Guidance must be given from structural engineering; d) Remove all corrosion from rebar mechanically by means of grit blasting; e) We propose two repair systems: Hand pack repair method using Sika MonoTop 1010 anti-corrosive coating and bonding agent and Sika MonoTop 412NFG repair mortar that can be hand applied and wet sprayed. Shutter and pour method using SikaTop Armatec; f) EpoCem anti-corrosive coating and bonding agent and Sikacrete 214 structural micro concrete; g) Cracks to sealed with Sikadur 31DW and Sikadur 52ZA low viscosity epoxy resin; h) Reseal expansion joints using Sika Primer 3N and Sikaflex PRO3i-cure; i) Apply Sika Ferrogard 903 Plus corrosion inhibitor in 2-3 coats depending porosity of the concrete surface at a total consumption of 0.5Lt/m²; j) Apply Sikalastic 152 polymer protective coating resistant against chlorides and carbonation ingress, the Sikalastic 152 must be applied at 2mm thick. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS