Proposals are hereby invited for the supply, delivery, maintenance and repairs of forklifts with buy back of existing forklifts for Dube Cargo Terminal and Bonded Warehouse for a period of three (3) years. Scope: supply and deliver nine (9) new forklifts; provide on-site planned and reactive maintenance services and spare parts over a period of three (3) years. The service provider must buy back the existing six (6) forklifts. (Тендер №96231454ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 96231454
Дата публикации: 14-12-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Construction Of R.C.C Pipe Gutter To Appaso Bhosale Home To Ramesh Jadhav Home Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Fixing Paving Block in Anna Bhau Sathe Nagar Parisar Bhandishegaon, Tal - Pandharpur, Dist - Solapur. Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Constrcution of RCC Drain from h/o Hashibhai to h/o Ishratbhai in Sadat nagar back side of Masjid in Prabhag No. 07 NWCMC Nanded. Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Metaling to Internal Road 1 - Shri Ganapati Mandir Vetalwadi to Kukate House to Canal, 2 Yalmar Adha Odha to Madhukar Gidde House Bhandishegaon, Tal Pandharpur, Dist - Solapur. Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Re-Advertisement: Transnet National Ports Authority, Port of Durban invites tenders for the maintenance and cleaning of port roads in the Port of Durban on an as and when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Scope of Work: - Pothole Repairs; - Kerbing; - Sidewalks; - Storm Water Manholes; - Road Markings; - Road Sign Erection; - Guardrails; - Mill and Overlay. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: appointment of a contractor for supply and installation of greenhouse tunnels and shade-net structure for co-operative farms in KZN. The work includes, but not limited to the following: • The design, supply, installation and equipping of 9 tunnels complete with fertigation system at Asembo, Khonamanje and Dumeya Farms (i.e. 3 tunnels per farm); • Supply, installation and equipping a 0.5ha shade-net structure complete with fertigation system at Adel Beau Farm; • The provision of associated services including connecting to existing bulk water mainlines and electrical supply; • The design, supply, installation and equipping of additional tunnels complete with fertigation system at Dube AgriZone. Note: The four co-operative farms are located at Nyoni, Mandeni, Marianhill and Richmond and the additional tunnels will be located within Dube TradePort Precinct. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS