The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at Rusternburg Regional Hub, Corner Oliver Tambo Dr and Steen St, Rustenburg. (Тендер №96421002ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 96421002
Дата публикации: 17-12-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at School of Business Leadership (SBL) at Corner Janadel and Alexandra Avenue, Midrand, Johannesburg. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at Pietermaritzburg Campus, No.1, Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at Ormonde Conference Hall at 2 Vinton Road, Ormonde, Johannesburg South. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at Parrow Regional Hub, 15 Jean Simons Street, Parrow, Cape Town. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at Polokwane, Library Building (Administration), 23A Landros Mare Street, Polokwane. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified service providers for the following projects: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turnkey services for the Integrated Smart Building Management Systems (ISBMS) at the following campus: ISBMS at PTA CBD Campus which is situated on the following address: 263 Nana Sita St, Pretoria ia. 0003. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS