Re-advertisement: The University of South Africa invites suitably qualified service providers to provide the University with the following: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turn-Key Services for the Integrated Smart Building Management System (ISBMS) at Polokwane Campus which is situated on the following addresses: Library Building (Administration), 23A Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; Registration Building, 29 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane and New Building, 20 Market Street, Polokwane. Specifications: An Integrated Smart Building Management System (ISBMS) should: • Provide intelligent & optimal start/stop of building systems; • Monitor and control building facilities; • Provide optimal equipment time scheduling; • Enable alarm settings and automatic notifications; • Support maintenance processes; • Enable disaster management and automatic recovery; • Ensure building safety; • Have an intelligent and interactive interface; • Adopt open communication protocols; • Be expandable for Internet of Things (IoTs); • Enable trending and data analysis; • Enable building users to make adjustments; • Recording building functions and performance (data collection, trend analysis); • Monitoring and controlling building’s equipment; • Managing loads and enhancing efficiency (Reduce the energy needed to illuminate, heat, cool and ventilate a building); • Optimally controlling energy management (operational scheduling); • Measuring, predicting and defining energy optimization actions; • Provides alerting, diagnosing, trending and management reports. The scope of work for the ISBMS shall include: • Headend equipment and software; • Field devices; • GUI and report development. Please confirm the closing date. (Тендер №96752272ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 96752272
Дата публикации: 23-12-2023


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Re-advertisement of contract number: RMLM SCM:2023/2024-06B: Bids are hereby invited for the following: 1. Supply and delivery of new fuel tanks and pumps including management thereof; 2. Supply and delivery of fuel (diesel & unleaded petrol) and oil for a period of 36 months as and when required. Specifications: • Supply and delivery of Diesel, unleaded Petrol and Oil for a period of 36 months as and when service is required; • Replacement of fuel tanks (Diesel/ Petrol) with new tanks; • Replacement of existing fuel pumps with new pumps using electronic tags; • Authorisation for the removal or placement of tanks and pumps should first be obtained from the municipality; • The cost for the repair of the surface after installing the tanks and pumps is for the account of the successful bidder; • Supply the municipality with dip sticks for the fuel tanks; • Repairs or replacement of the tanks to be done on the inception of the contract and the report to be availed to the municipal manager; • The service and calibration of the pumps must be done periodically when requested by the municipality; • The replacement and monitoring of filter cartridges and the process should conform to South African National Standards; • Monthly inspection to be conducted must be conducted and reported to the municipal manager; • Delivery must be done within 24 hours after placement of an order and must be delivered to the municipality main stores; • Prices are subject to fluctuations during the contract period as regulated by Government; • Feeding lines (rubber pipes) of pumps must be green for petrol black for Diesel. Please confirm the contract number. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of legal service contract for a period of three (3) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Construction of new 96 Units at Kwamashu Community Residential Units (CRU), Tender 2 (2 of 2: Blocks C and D). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS