ECPACC hereby invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the renewal of Microsoft 365 office licenses for a period of 36 months. Scope: The primary objective of the request for proposal is to invite suitably qualified and experienced service providers to submit proposals to ECPACC for the provision of renewal of Microsoft 365 office licenses. The appointed service provider will be expected to: • Renewal of 20 Microsoft office 365 Business Standard licenses; • Installation of Antivirus to 20 laptops; • Servicing of emails withing the contract period. (Тендер №97959645ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 97959645
Дата публикации: 17-01-2024


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: Company Secretarial Services to the Council and Sub-Committees for a period of one year (twelve months). Scope of work: The scope of work to be undertaken by the Service Provider will include the following: • To be accountable to ECPACC for the fulfilment of its functions; • To compile an archival record of all Council and Committee proceedings and submit a comprehensive record to Council on bi-annual basis. This should include the record of round robin correspondence, audio and/visual material and any other documents; • To apprise the Council Members in terms of any laws relevant to or affecting public entities that ECPACC must comply with; • Ensure that the Council and Council committee charters and terms of reference are developed and kept up to date; • Ensure that the proceedings of the Council and committee meetings are properly recorded and that minutes of the meetings developed and circulated to Council Members in a timely manner after the approval of the Chairperson of the Council or relevant Council committee; • Compilation of council packs in preparation for all meetings; • Prepare agenda before meeting proceedings; • Ensure that Council resolutions are accurately recorded; • Develop a resolution register and keep track of the implementation of resolutions through direct liaison with the CEO; • Advise Council members about new industry developments and their legal implications for the council and the entity; Render any other statutory services as may be requested by Council members and the Chief Executive Officer. Please confirm the closing time. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS