Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the provision of plant (TLB, skid steer loader and tipper truck) and supply, delivery and offloading of ballast in the Metrorail Gauteng region on an as and when basis for a period of twelve (12) months. Specifications: - This contract and specifications cover the provision of BALLAST STONE to PRASA Rail Gauteng province. The ballast to be loaded onto AY rail wagons at the supplier’s local siding by the supplier, the delivery and offloading of ballast transported by rail to be done by PRASA; - In some instances of derailments and emergencies, ballast to be delivered by road to PRASA stockpile siding. Prices tendered shall be the ex-works, loaded onto road trucks and transport cost will be borne by the supplier; - Ballast will be ordered on an “as-and-when” required basis; - The Project manager or his/her delegated assistant together with Contractor’s Track Master/Inspector will assess the site before the project commences; - The contractor shall always comply with all quality requirements; - All work will be done by the contractor with machinery, equipment, transport and labour that he or she shall provide, maintain and operate during the contract period; - The contractor will be responsible for Health and Safety compliance on site; - PRASA Track Inspector and the contractor Track Inspector master will be responsible for arrangement of occupations. (Тендер №98132688ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 98132688
Дата публикации: 21-01-2024


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