Bids are hereby invited for the following: Maintenance and refurbishment of pathway to various offices. Scope of Work: The following will be required: Supply of materials: - Paving bricks; - River sand; - Cement; - Concrete; Site preparation including: - Removing all weeds and roots; - Excavations - Excavate, prepare in situ materials for 1.2m wide paved walkway; - Spraying appropriate weed killer; - Leveling of area for proper drainage; - Compacting area - in-situ material to 75% MOD AASHTO density. 1% fall into slope; Installation: - Sub-base -150mm G5 sub-base with material from commercial sources compacted to 97% Mod AASHTO density; - Laying course; - Block laying - Interlock pavers 70mm class 25MPA, on 20mm bedding (crusher dust) as per detail; - Edge courses - Install Precast concrete edging (E1-type) on both sides of walkway on concrete bedding; - Alignment and Compliance; - Cutting-In - Cut paving to fit edge restraints; - Finishing touches - Cover all open lines and holes with crusher dust and Roll to locked-up condition; - Jointing and Compaction - Clean and compact to 95% MOD AASHTO density the adjoining in situ material, at least 0.5m on both sides of the paved walkway; - Site de-establishment; - Removal of excess material; - Clearing of site - The rubble must be disposed at the approved dumpsite. (Тендер №98340835ru)

Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 98340835
Дата публикации: 24-01-2024


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver mobile toilets. Scope: - Supply and deliver single standard mobile toilet at Springfield, FM Depot; - Supply and deliver single VIP mobile toilet at Springfield, FM Depot. Department: FM. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver mobile toilets. Scope: - Supply and deliver single standard mobile toilet at Springfield, FM Depot; - Supply and deliver single VIP mobile toilet at Springfield, FM Depot. Department: FM. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 2 scrubbers. Specifications: - The scrubber must be compatible to DKL42/26-DK42/26; - Construction materials-Metal structure and PVC components; - Working in continuous - Admitted; - Flow regulation - UPNTO 25 L/min; - Vacuum regulation - Down to 200mbar ABS; - Capacity of glass tanks: 3.5L; - Power input: 130W; - Current consumption: 500MA; - Weight: 11kg, 24.3 lb; - Dimensions (W x H x D): 315 x 335 x 360 mm, 12.4 x 13.2 x 14.2 in. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Repairs to electricals at the pump room at Florida Fire Station water feature. Scope: - Supply, mount and connect star delta control box complete for a 3kw pump motor; - Supply, mount and connect star delta control box complete for a 30kw pump motor; - Make provision for electrical works; - Supply, install and connect three phase 100Amp circuit breaker (Din Rail); - Supply and deliver 60Amp three phase breakers (Din Rail Breakers). Department: FM. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Repairs to electricals at the pump room at Florida Fire Station water feature. Scope: - Supply, mount and connect star delta control box complete for a 3kw pump motor; - Supply, mount and connect star delta control box complete for a 30kw pump motor; - Make provision for electrical works; - Supply, install and connect three phase 100Amp circuit breaker (Din Rail); - Supply and deliver 60Amp three phase breakers (Din Rail Breakers). Department: FM. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Maintenance and refurbishment of pathway to various offices. Scope of Work: The following will be required: Supply of materials: - Paving bricks; - River sand; - Cement; - Concrete; Site preparation including: - Removing all weeds and roots; - Excavations - Excavate, prepare in situ materials for 1.2m wide paved walkway; - Spraying appropriate weed killer; - Leveling of area for proper drainage; - Compacting area - in-situ material to 75% MOD AASHTO density. 1% fall into slope; Installation: - Sub-base -150mm G5 sub-base with material from commercial sources compacted to 97% Mod AASHTO density; - Laying course; - Block laying - Interlock pavers 70mm class 25MPA, on 20mm bedding (crusher dust) as per detail; - Edge courses - Install Precast concrete edging (E1-type) on both sides of walkway on concrete bedding; - Alignment and Compliance; - Cutting-In - Cut paving to fit edge restraints; - Finishing touches - Cover all open lines and holes with crusher dust and Roll to locked-up condition; - Jointing and Compaction - Clean and compact to 95% MOD AASHTO density the adjoining in situ material, at least 0.5m on both sides of the paved walkway; - Site de-establishment; - Removal of excess material; - Clearing of site - The rubble must be disposed at the approved dumpsite. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS