Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide a bakery operator for a period of six (06) months for Ithala Development Finance Corporations. Scope of work: • Adherence to bakery and laboratory procedure manual: The operator will be required to adhere to bakery manufacturing and laboratory procedure manuals in respect of Quality Management, Environmental Health and Safety, Hazardous Material Handling and Storage, Manufacturing, Formulation conversions and Booking management; • Capacitating the bakery incubator with resources and raw material: The service provider is required to capacitate the facility with the resources and raw material. This will be done to assist SMMEs who want to buy small portions as most suppliers only sell in big volumes. This will also include the management of raw materials in the facility; • Recruitment and on boarding of SMME to incubation process: The newly renovated facility will be used by SMMEs. The service provider will need to recruit and on board SMMEs into the incubation programme in coordination with the client and continue with the incubation programme for SMMES already recruited into the programme. - Training of SMMEs: Recruited SMMEs will have to be trained in the following: • Bakery Manufacturing – this is technical training on how to mix raw materials to come up with a finished product. The trainings to be conducted by qualified personnel; • Financial Management – to ensure that they are able to manage their finances of the business; • Pricing – important to know how to price products correct so that the SMME does not make losses; • Packaging and labelling – to ensure that they use the correct packaging for their product as well as using correct labels. This is critical when their products are tested by SABS. The label is one of the determining factors whether the product passes or fails; • Marketing and Sales – It is important for SMMEs to know which platforms to use to market their products effectively. They are also trained on how to sell their products; • Quality Assurance – to teach the SMMEs on the importance of following processes and procedures to ensure that the quality of their products is consistent; - Close Out (end of term report): • At the end of each term, the operator will submit a close out report that details the progress of the project from inception. This report will include the progress on KPIs, activities undertaken as well as interventions given to SMMEs in the programme. Project timeline: The relationship will be managed through a service level agreement based on a monthly fee for a period not exceeding twelve (06) months. (Тендер №98431870ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 98431870
Дата публикации: 25-01-2024


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Supply of Various Types of Falcon Gold Cutleries and Silverware for Inflight Services Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Addendum: Amendment to Qualifying Criteria and Closing Date: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of suitably qualified, registered security companies on a panel of security service providers (only grade C officers will be considered) on “as and when basis” for a period of three years (03) by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. Specifications: Applicable Shifts - Monday to Sunday (Seven (7) days a week): - Day Shift - 06h00 to 18h00; - Night Shift - 18h00 to 06h00; - Relief Officers. The Security Services will be rendered in the following Districts (all towns, resorts and farms) on “as and when” needed: a) Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality; b) Xhariep District Municipality; c) Lejweleputswa District Municipality; d) Fezile Dabi District Municipality; e) Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of material. Scope: 1. Tape Thread seal PTFE (19 X 0.75 X 50M)-0.30G; 2. Elbow 15 X 15mm Comp; 3. Coupler Red CXM 22 X 15mm; 4. Braided Connector Straight 22mm; 5. Coupler Straight 22mm; 6. Coupler STR CXC Red 22mm 3/4 Bonami; 7. Tee Equal Brass 22mm CXC Bonami; 8. Elbow Brass 22mm CXC Bonami; 9. Shower Rose ABS Chrome; 10. Cistern Inside for low level; 11. Brass Comp Rings 15mmN; 12. Braided Connector 15 X 450mm; 13. Down Pipes; 14. Gutters 112mm Half Round; 15. Bend 112° offset bend; 16. Stopend outlet 112mm; 17. Barrel Clip; 18. Fascia Bracket (112mm); 19. Rain Diverter; 20. M6 Blocks; 22. 90° Gutter Angle; 23. Pipe Clips; 24. Plain steel wire 1.8mm; 25. Cistern Mechanism Top/Flush; 26. Wirguin Valve Jolly Fill Bottom. Delivery address: Elundini Local Municipality, No. 1 Seller Street, Nqanqarhu, 5480. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Dikgatlong Municipality hereby invites suitably prospective service providers to quote for Supply and delivery of laptops and Laptop backpacks. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Formal written quotations are hereby invited from professional service providers for the supply, delivery and installation of a double cab canopy to Hessequa Municipality. Scope of work: The project requires the supply, delivery, and installation of a security canopy for a Toyota Hilux Double Cab (2023): - The contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, delivery, and proper installation of a stainless-steel canopy onto the specified Toyota Hilux Double Cab without compromising its structural integrity or voiding the manufacturer"s warranty; - The canopy should be designed in a police-style shape and must include the following features: a lockable rear door, a side mesh window, black curtains for the side window, and two benches; - The contractor is responsible for ensuring that the installed canopy is fixed securely and meets all safety standards. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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