Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Steel Palisades - Secunda. Specifications: Palisade Fencing Consisting of (1 Lot): 1. Palisade Posts (38 Off): - Estimated Height: 1850mm x 75mm x 75mm; 2. Palisade Panels (45 Off): - Estimated Length: 2350mm; - Estimated Height: 1800mm; Palisade Gates (5 Off); - Estimated Length: 1000mm; - Estimated Height: 1800mm 3. Total Estimated Weight: 1.38 Ton. (Тендер №98493306ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 98493306
Дата публикации: 26-01-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of emergency material. Specifications: - SA pine: Standard 1 x wooden door, Quantity: 20; - Galvanize 100mm padlock, with screws, Quantity: 20; - 1 x 600mm x 600mm SA pine wooden window (opening must be horizontal with arm), Quantity: 20; - 2 x 100mm steel hinges with screws, Quantity: 40; - Perspex: 4mm thick, cut to fit inside the window open, Quantity: 20; - 1 x Standard Sapine door frame: O/I, Quantity: 20. Delivery date: 3 days after receipt of official purchase order. Delivery address: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for suitable qualified service providers to service sound level meter calibration, sound level calibrator calibration. Specifications: • SANAS Calibration of Bruel & Kjaer 2250 Sound Level meter; • SANAS Calibration of Bruel & Kjaer Sound Level calibrator; • SANAS Calibration of RION NI-32 Sound Level meter; • SANAS Calibration of RION NC-74 Sound level calibrator; • SANAS Calibration of Bruel & Kjaer 2250 Sound Level meter; • SANAS Calibration of Bruel & Kjaer Sound Level calibrator. NB. Each Sound level meter and calibrator must have a separate certificate after being serviced. Department: Health Department. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of plumbing material. Specifications: - 420208: Trap Basin PVC, 32mm x 50; - 420204: Traps Sink 40mm PVC x 50 ; - 420083: Tees 35 mm Conex C-C (Cobra) x 20; - 422020: Valve Flush 270 Complete x 50; - 420205: Traps PVC Bath x 50; - 420205: Valve Wheel Female Brass 32 mm (Cobra) x 50. Delivery must be within 21 days after receiving an official order from the municipality. Delivery Address: 1 Market Street Stores. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Construction of non-motorised transport facilities and universal access for NMT Improvement area-wide Mitchells Plain. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Deliver Hybrid Inverter and Volta Lithium Ion Battery. Specifications: - 5kw Deye Hybrid Inverter IP65 - 10 Year Warranty x 1; - 5.12kw/h Volta Lithium Ion Battery - 10 Year Warranty x 1. Delivery address: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver sampler spares for DD4 plants at Welgedacht WCW. Scope: 1. Outer panel to be mounted on the outside walls, Qty: 5; 2. Complete Peristaltic pumps, Qty: 5; 3. Inner panel that will be installed Inside the outer panel, Qty: 5; 4. Level floats, Qty: 7; 5. Peristaltic tubes for the pumps, Qty: 100meter. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS