Addendum: Amendment to closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Removal of jet pumps, platforms and repairs of pressure valves at Sand Bypass TNPA Port of Ngqura for a once- off period. Specifications: Jet Pump and platform: • Removal of an 8.5m Genflo jet pump and pipe strings and platforms in the Sand Bypass. • Supplier to provide it’s lifting equipment, preferable 25-ton with lifting equipment operator & rigger, auxiliary hook, and other items that may be required to eject the jet pump and platforms. • The supplier is required to install the jet pump after its maintenance and the service of platforms are completed. • Remove pump and adhere to all relevant safety and environmental conditions. • TNPA will conduct maintenance on Jet pumps and platforms. CLA-VAL pressure reducing valve (Model: 90-01/690-01): Service provider to: • Strip and inspect valve. • Replace all defective parts. • Replace diaphragm. • Replace all pressure gauges. • Replace pressure regulator. • Replace Flow clean strainer. • Disassemble and reassemble. • Size: 250mm inlet and outlet. • Coating: Electrostatically applied epoxy resin to DIN 30677 internally and externally (or similar approved). Lesser pressure relief valve: Service provider to: • Strip and remove. • Replace all worn components. • Shot blast valve body. • Coating: Electrostatically applied epoxy resin to DIN 30677 internally and externally (or similar approved). • Pressure rating 16 bar. • Type: 441 closed bonnet. • Size: 150mm. Location of service: Port of Ngqura. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №98832176ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 98832176
Дата публикации: 01-02-2024


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