Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of an advertising agency for a period of 12 months. Scope of work: Driving advertising on the existing advertising platforms available at the Durban ICC precinct: The Durban ICC currently boasts three (03) fixed digital screens, (10) movable vertical digital totems, and various advertising opportunities, positioned within the facility and thereby providing the perfect opportunity for agencies to expand their mediums of advertising for new and existing clients. The successful service provider will also be responsible for the sale and management of existing advertising opportunities. Specifications of the existing digital signage screens and static branding opportunities: - 1 x (4m x 4m digital screen) located inside the Durban ICC main foyer; - 2 x (2m x 2m digital screens) located at the Durban ICC Arena (Interior); - 10 x 46 inch movable digital totems which can be strategically positioned within the facility; - Various static sites around the Durban ICC precinct (Such as, but not limited to, escalator branding, boom gates, pillar branding, elevator branding, walls in foyers/passages etc.). (Тендер №99213410ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 99213410
Дата публикации: 07-02-2024


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