Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provisioning of graphic design for a period of 12 months. Scope: Graphic Design Services: - To design banners and graphics for KZNLA communications campaigns, upcoming events, announcements, notices etc. to be uploaded on the homepage of the website and social media platforms (as and when required); - Propose innovative ideas and present the layout idea to ILO, discuss on the proposed layout and incorporate feedback; - Design and layout the documents based on the agreed mock up; - Design newsletter and assist with content development; - To be able to create cartoons skits; - Quotations to be based on an hourly rate for the graphic design service. (Тендер №99283383ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 99283383
Дата публикации: 08-02-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Design, print, supply and install internal and external signages. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Minor structural maintenance at various substations. Qty: 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Carina Sub: Regenerate TX2 main tank and NECRT T/C oil, Qty required: 1.000: Scope of work: 1. Regenerate TX 3 main tank oil to standard, 2. Regenerate TX 3 NEC oil to standard, 3. Take oil samples on all above and send Transformer Chemical Services for the following tests: - Furan analysis: ASTM D5837, - Dissolved gasses: IEC 60567, - Water content: IEC 60814, - Dielectric strength: IEC 60156, - Dissipation Factor: IEC 60247, - Acidity: ASTM D974, - Interfacial tension: ASTM D971, - PCB: ASTM D4059, - Provide CoU with test results. Please confirm the closing date. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of chlorhexidine catheter dressing, size: 8.5cm x 11.5cm. Specifications: - Size: 8.5cm x 11.5cm; - Colour: Transparent; - Material: Gel pad contains 2% chlorhexidine gluconate; - Packaging (unit/box): Box (25); - Functionality/performance: Used to decrease central venous catheter related blood; - Purpose: Stream infections which may result in inadvertent line removal; - Other: Dressing of central venous catheter. Contract period: Once off. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver electrical defect material for state owned buildings in Chris Hani District. Specifications: 1. 30 Amps Double Pole Isolator 2x4 with cover plate SABS Approved Lumex/Crabtree or equivalent/similar/better applies x 02; 2. Surfix Cable Twin & Earth 2 Core x 2,5mm + Earth PVC Isolated x 100m; 3. PVC Trunking SABS Approved 16x25 YT2 x 12m; 4. Hilts/Anchor 6x55mm completed with nails & wall plugs x 200; 5. Downlights Fittings Backlits 24 watts, 6500K, 2300lm x 50; 6. Floodlights LED 200 watts Pole x 08; 7. 16 Amps- 25 Amps daylight switches x 06; 8. Floodlights wall mounted 50 watts LEDs x 08; 9. 4 Foot Cool white LED T8 18 watts x 300m; 10. Round LED Converting Modules 18 watts Cool white x 18; 11. 2 Way Switches 1 lever 2x4 with cover plate x 04; 12. 1 Lever switches 2x4 with cover plate x 04; 13. Occupational + motion sensor ceiling mounted x 20; 14. LED Lamps 9 watts suitable for emergence lights and Exit lights x 10; 15. PVC conduits 20mm² x 70m; 16. PVC Couplings 20mm² x 10; 17. PVC Glue spray x 01; 18. Galvanized steel saddles 20mm x 30; 19. Dry wall screws 6x41mm Black x 100; 20. LED 4 Foot T5 cool white x 36; 21. 4 Foot suspended light fittings with three lamps (3x18watts lamps) x 02 Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide media monitoring for Ithala Development Finance Corporations for a period of 24 months. Scope of Work: The services required include all of the following: - The daily monitoring of: a. Print media: newspapers; magazines; publications (global, national; regional; community); b. Broadcast media: Radio (global, national, regional, community and main stream radio); TV, Podcasts, (global, national; regional; community); c. Online media (SA online content and news sites; SA blog sites, Forums, International online content); d. Social media (Facebook, Youtube, X, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn); - Daily alerts via email for all of the platforms indicating publication, platform, and AVE (Average Value Estimate), to 5 recipients; - Daily access to coverage, on an internet-based delivery platform, for 5 users; - Access to an e-book delivery platform to compile and share clips via e-mail, for 5 recipients; - Statistical Analysis Reports based on media coverage received, to be submitted electronically: a. Weekly reports submitted via email; b. Monthly reports submitted via email; c. Quarterly reports submitted via email; d. A detailed Annual report submitted via email; e. Create and submit media lists on a quarterly basis; - Included, must be an online press portal, to centralize press releases and distribute press releases, with access for 5 users; - Included, must be a comprehensive media database, to search for media contacts, create media lists, and distribute media releases, with access for 5 users. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS