The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for Bleeding Pavement Repairs on National Routes in the Province of Free State. This project is in various district municipalities in the province of Free State (i.e., Thabo Mofutsanyana, Fezile Dabi, Lejweleputswa, Xhariep and Mangaung). The approximate duration is 16 months, on ad-hoc basis, over a period of 5 years, including 3 Months for the Mobilization Period. (Тендер №99802394ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 99802394
Дата публикации: 17-02-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Dismantling and fitting of Rotary Gear Box , Timer shaft assembly and feed sprocket on IDM70E-16 Drill Machine at Nigahi Project. Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Special repair for recoupment of surveyed furniture items (steel) for OTM accn at MFFR and Army Public School and Provn of swimming pool furniture under GE (N) Bikaner at Bikaner Mil Stn Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Pdg E I and fans Computer and Networking AC Units and Earhing for Training Center at Pune City East Div Pune Pune Region 2 nd call Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

EE EM II/ 2023-24/ 8 Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the provision of suitably qualified supply chain management resources services for a period of 12 months on an as and when required basis. Scope: The successful supplier will be required to work collaboratively with the current SCM team to: - Facilitate the procurement process by providing comprehensive procurement and contracting services. - Provide expertise to augment the current level of resourcing and bring about increased strategic focus. - Manage the procurement demand plan to proactively meet business demands. - All work must be carried out within the confines of the NLC SCM Policy and Procedures, observing all Public Sector Governance Protocols. - For specific strategic procurement such as setting up of panels and term contracts, provide expert advice on appropriateness of panels and panel utilization strategy: a. Demand Management; b. Procurement Strategy Formulation; c. Procurement Project Management; d. Tender Process – Bid Specification, Method, Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation, Negotiations, Contracting and Implementation; e. Supplier Performance and Quality Monitoring; f. Governance, Risk and Compliance Bid Committee Support; - Provide oversight to ensure the efficiency of Procurement, provide guidance, and lead practices to streamline processes such as RFQ/Ps with compliance to Governance policies and procedures. - Closely work with NLC SCM Staff to conclude complex projects and impart skills to develop and strengthen the procurement expertise of NLC’s internal NLC staff. - Provide value-adding technical assistance that includes, but is not limited to, the generation of performance reports, market analysis, coaching and mentorship, innovative ideas, and problem resolution. - Assist in the development and implementation of the NLC Enterprise Development and Supplier Development Strategy. - Provide resources to NLC SCM at Head Office (Hatfield Gardens) and be available to be deployed on a short-term basis to NLC locations country wide. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and maintenance of water coolers on a rental basis and supply a maximum of 5 units of 20 litres monthly for a period 12 months at SEFA Regional Office, Kimberley Northern Cape. Scope of work: - Provide SEFA on rental basis with one (01) floor standing water coolers and dispensers with 20 litre capacity (12 months rental); - Provide a sanitation and servicing of coolers at a minimum every six months; - Maintain and repair the coolers as and when necessary or on the request of the Client. Quantity Details - Quantities: One (01) Freestanding water coolers (hot & cold-water dispensers); - Quantities: Five (05) purified water bottles per month (size of the bottles 20 litres). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS