Supply of Cleaning Materials to WCHG (Тендер №103495052ru)


Страна: Великобритания
Язык: EN
Номер: 103495052
Дата публикации: 25-04-2024
Начальная цена контракта: 3 356 356 (RUB)
Оригинальная сумма: 50 000 (GBP)



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The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Supply and deliver clinic equipment. Scope: 1. Supply and install NDD easy on PC spirometer, qty: 1 EA, 2. Supply and install weather station, qty: 1 EA, 3. Install and supply 31 PCS syringe-including Cal Cert, qty: 1 EA. Specification for spirometer: - It should be compatible be with computer network – Must be compatible with AMS. Must be able to customize the program, - Must be ultrasonic transit time, - Should be easy to work – no warm up time, no moving parts, - Should be automatic export to PDF files - Printable, - Analysing information, - Should consist of a Spirometer, weather station and PCS syringes for calibration, - The Instalment, supply and calibration should be calculate in the price, - The Spirometer should be highly accurate in all flow ranges. The Sensor should not be in direct contact of patient’s flow. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: TA for supporting BBS-lite (lite bio-behavioural survey) including PSE (population size estimates) – South Africa. Scope/Objectives: • To support and advise SANAC and the selected implementer/Service-Provider (SP) to finalise the proposal/protocol and questionnaire on BBS-lite aligned to the WHO/UNAIDS BBS-lite implementation tool and standards/guidelines; • To support the SANAC/SP to adapt data collection tools to SA context; • To support/assist SANAC/SP with the development of field work training material; • To assist/support SANAC to monitor the process of data collection as planned by the SP; • To support/assist SANAC/SP to review the analytical plan, its implementation, and to assure/guide the data quality/analysis process; • To support/assist SANAC/SP to develop the PSE model to be used for programming; • To contribute to the review and support the development of the drafts and final reports. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The Kai ! Garib Municipality invites prospective bidders to bid for the Supply and Delivery of different tyres. Scope: 10R22,5 x 6, Town: Kenhardt; 235/75/17,5 x 4, Town: Keimoes; 235/75/17,5 x 6, Town: Kakamas; 245/75/16 x 7, Town: Keimoes; 245/75/16 x 5, Town: Keimoes; Wheel alignment x 2. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Fezile Dabi District Municipality hereby invites formal written quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of 200 blankets. Specifications: - 2 ply mink blankets, 200 x 225g. Please confirm the closing date. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Disposable Cubicle, Shower and Window Curtains 2025 Источник: Contracts Finder

11 a garrick grove Источник: Contracts Finder