The Coroners Act 1988 places several duties on Local Authorities for the provision of a Coroner's Service. The Coroner is an independent judicial officer whose role is to investigate the causes of sudden deaths, deaths of unknown cause, unnatural or violent deaths or deaths in custody. Bodies that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coroner are transported to a designated mortuary under specific conditions for further investigation and possible post-mortem. The proposed objectives of this procurement are as follows. i. To put in place via an open tender process a compliant contract to deliver a Coroner's Transport Removal service on behalf of HM Coroner for Surrey (Тендер №79863970ru)


Страна: Великобритания
Язык: EN
Номер: 79863970
Дата публикации: 14-03-2023
Начальная цена контракта: 30 609 969 (RUB)
Оригинальная сумма: 456 000 (GBP)



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Еще тендеры за этот срок

SSD 23 08 Assistive Technology Service Soft Market Testing Источник: Contracts Finder

SSD 23 08 Assistive Technology Service Soft Market Testing Источник: Contracts Finder

SSD 23 08 Assistive Technology Service Soft Market Testing Источник: Contracts Finder

The Coroners Act 1988 places several duties on Local Authorities for the provision of a Coroner's Service. The Coroner is an independent judicial officer whose role is to investigate the causes of sudden deaths, deaths of unknown cause, unnatural or violent deaths or deaths in custody. Bodies that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coroner are transported to a designated mortuary under specific conditions for further investigation and possible post-mortem. The proposed objectives of this procurement are as follows. i. To put in place via an open tender process a compliant contract to deliver a Coroner's Transport Removal service on behalf of HM Coroner for Surrey Источник: Contracts Finder

The Coroners Act 1988 places several duties on Local Authorities for the provision of a Coroner's Service. The Coroner is an independent judicial officer whose role is to investigate the causes of sudden deaths, deaths of unknown cause, unnatural or violent deaths or deaths in custody. Bodies that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coroner are transported to a designated mortuary under specific conditions for further investigation and possible post-mortem. The proposed objectives of this procurement are as follows. i. To put in place via an open tender process a compliant contract to deliver a Coroner's Transport Removal service on behalf of HM Coroner for Surrey Источник: Contracts Finder

The Coroners Act 1988 places several duties on Local Authorities for the provision of a Coroner's Service. The Coroner is an independent judicial officer whose role is to investigate the causes of sudden deaths, deaths of unknown cause, unnatural or violent deaths or deaths in custody. Bodies that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coroner are transported to a designated mortuary under specific conditions for further investigation and possible post-mortem. The proposed objectives of this procurement are as follows. i. To put in place via an open tender process a compliant contract to deliver a Coroner's Transport Removal service on behalf of HM Coroner for Surrey Источник: Contracts Finder