
Страна: Соединенные Штаты Америки
Язык: UK
Номер: 110077747
Дата публикации: 30-08-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: CHIETA governing board secretariat services for a period of two (02) years. Scope of work: The service provider will be required to provide quality and timeous compilation of draft minutes and resolution of identified meetings within a seven (7) working day turnaround time from the date of a particular meeting. The service provider will also be expected to record all meetings and provide recordings to CHIETA within the 7-day turnaround period. If required verbatim minutes can also be required from time to time and must be quoted separately. Flexibility will also be required of special governing body (CHIETA Board) meetings that are requested outside of the scheduled meetings within the CHIETA Corporate Calendar if and where relevant and in line with business requirements: The following are relevant Board meetings including its sub-committee meetings that will require to be minted as per the CHIETA approved calendar: • CHIETA Governing Board, • CHIETA Board Committees, • CHIETA Chamber meetings, • Research and Skills Planning Committee, • TFAC Committee, • Governing Board Strategic session, • CHIETA AGM and, • Other relevant Board/ Management engagements and/or meetings as directed by the CEO and/or Executive Governance and Risks. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: The World Bank Group invites eligible firms for the following: Pharmaceutical Industry Diagnostic: South Africa. The consulting firm is required to assess and benchmark SA’s competitiveness and carve out a road map to scale investment in the following sub sectors: Prescriptive medicines; medical devices; Vaccines and Injectables. It will provide the Government of South Africa; and key market players with a set of prioritized recommendations to guide a phased industry development. The diagnostic will also assess supporting and complementary industries providing local materials and inputs by focusing the analysis on the raw materials where SA has a comparative advantage; including: (i) active ingredients for the different types of pharmaceutical products; (ii) inactive ingredients including acids; concentrates; and other excipients; and (iii) consumables including vials; sterile bottles; syringes; rubber stoppers; cotton; and alcohol-based products. The diagnostic will include a capacity assessment of the existing research and development (R&D) capabilities; and human capital for pharmaceutical manufacturing in both the public and the private sectors. Ultimately the diagnostics will provide a roadmap concerted and validated by key stakeholders detailing a phased-out approach; including actions and reforms necessary to unlock the potential of manufacturing of medicines; essential equipment in South Africa; and how to access markets on the African continent. Country: South Africa. Please note that this bid was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Council for Geoscience requests quotations for the following: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver chemicals to the Council for Geoscience. Specifications: - Nitric Acid (HNO3) 68-70%, unit: 5 litres, qty: 1, - Ethanol 95-99%, unit: 2,5L, qty: 1, - HF 48-52%, unit: 5 litres, qty: 1, - Perchloric acid (HCIO4) 60%, unit: 5 litres, qty: 1, - NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate), unit: 500 g, qty: 1, - NaCO3 (Sodium Carbonate), unit: 500 g, qty: 1, - H2SO4 (Sulphuric Acid) 98%, unit: 2,5 litres, qty: 1, - Ethylene glycol 99%, unit: 500ml, qty: 1, - Formamide 98%, unit: 500ml, qty: 1, - Acetone, unit: 2,5L, qty: 1, - Sodium Polytungstate (Na SPT) Granules, unit: 500g, qty: 1, - XRF-Wax, unit: 20kg, qty: 1, - Petroleum ether, unit: 5 litres, qty: 1, - XRF-Flux, unit: 50kg, qty: 1, - Calcium Carbonate, unit: 500g, qty: 1, - Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 35%, unit: 2,5L, qty: 1, - Hydrogen Peroxide 70%, unit: 2,5L, qty: 1, - Struers Unitclean, unit: 5L, qty: 1, - Conductivity standards, unit: 500ml, qty: 1, - Buffer solutions pH 4, unit: 500ml, qty: 1, - Buffer solutions pH 7, unit: 500ml, qty: 1, - Buffer solutions pH 10, unit: 500ml, qty: 1. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Asbestos Abatement IDIQ Источник: Federal Business Opportunities

Request for Information - Vehicle Protection Systems (VPS) Reactive Armor Tile (RAT) Источник: Federal Business Opportunities

Notice of Intent - Experis Treated Cylinders Источник: Federal Business Opportunities