Стенка передняя ЭКГ-15 (Тендер №109782227ru)


Страна: Узбекистан
Язык: UZ
Номер: 109782227
Дата публикации: 26-08-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Sasolburg Magistrate Court: 36 months garden maintenance service contract. Scope of works: The following services must be rendered on the work site: • Maintenance of lawn areas, • Maintenance of shrubs, roses, perennial plants, tuberous plants and trees, • Maintenance of annual seedlings, (Where applicable), • Maintenance of trees, • Cleaning of roads, sidewalks, footpaths and paved areas, • Pest control, • Picking up of rubble in and around the office terrain and periodic cleaning of rubbish bins, • Fire belts (Where applicable). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of bituminous anionic emulsion (SS60). Scope of works: 1. The Roads and Stormwater Depots require the bitumen emulsion (SS60) for the maintenance of roads, 2. All bituminous products shall comply with SANS Standard Specifications for Bituminous Road Binders as well as COLTO Standard Specification for Bridges Works for State Road Authorities 1998 as amended, 3. Slurry Seal - Anionic 60% Stable Mix SS60%. SS60 stable grade to conform to the SANS 4001-BT3 specification for anionic bitumen road emulsion. Deliveries must take place within 7 working days of receiving an official purchase order. Delivery address: Belle Ombre Roads Depot, Bosman St Extension, Pretoria, 0001. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of paper and printing media for lithographic printing for the City of Tshwane on an as and-when-required basis. Specifications: • Carbon Paper (Sheets) 60 gsm, • Film Centred Boards (Sheets) 240gsm, • Tokai Boards (Sheets) 240gsm, • Tokai Boards 160gsm (Sheets), • Milano Boards 160gsm (Sheets), • Eskia Boards 790gsm (Sheets) • Eltoro Board, • Ultra White Ivory Board - Smooth (Business Cards, Certificates), • Ultra White Ivory Board - Matt (Business Cards, Certificates). All stock ordered will be delivered to: Printing Services, 1st Floor, Middestad Building, 252 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of tools. Specifications: - 01 x GLM 40 professional laser distance; - 01 x Tape 100m surveyors; - 01 x Extendable ladder (10m); - 01 x Angle grinder Ga453115mm; - 01 x 20v cordless impact drill with 2 pc 20ah lithium battery and charger tool bag; - 01 x 106-piece socket and spanner set; - 01 x 18-piece 1000 volt insulated tool set; - 01 x Jig saw; - 01 x Secular saw; - 50 x 3 leaver door lock set black; - 50 x 2D lamp globe 50 watts; - 05 x Day and night switched; - 01 x Delivery to Msinga Municipality. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of stationery items. Specifications: - Metal self inking stamp, must include date and address and RK Khan Hospital x 03 units; - Metal self inking stamp - RK Khan Hospital x 03 units; - Two ring lever arch files x 15 units. Required at: RK Khan Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Contract Period: Once off. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Boesmansnek, Ongeluksnek and Ramatseliso Land Ports of entry: 36 months infrastructure maintenance and repairs of buildings, civil, mechanical, electrical and installations (appointment of a contractor). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS