Field Scale Trials_Tir Canol, Cynnal_Feb 2024 (Тендер №100432030ru)


Страна: Ангилья
Язык: AI
Номер: 100432030
Дата публикации: 28-02-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering - Pretoria. Scope of Work: The National Library of South Africa (NLSA) requires catering services at the Pretoria campus as follows: • Catering for 110 staff provided for 13 weeks (only on a Friday, if the Friday is a public holiday, exclude). - Lunch should include: Two-piece/1/4 chicken with chips and a soft drink (please ensure that the meal is Halaal certified); - Catering should be provided at the Pretoria campus at 12:30 pm. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering - Cape Town. The National Library of South Africa (NLSA) requires catering services at the Cape Town campus as follows: • Catering for 50 staff provided for 13 weeks (only on a Friday, if the Friday is a public holiday, exclude): - Lunch should include: Two-piece/1/4 chicken with chips and a soft drink (please ensure that the meal is Halaal certified) - Catering should be provided at the Cape Town Campus - Matrix House at 12:30 pm. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals/quotations are hereby invited from all interested service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of white meat at Frontier Hospital for a period of 06 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to procure and deliver books to the Pretoria Campus: Ten titles. The appointed service provider shall deliver the books within 5 days after a Purchase Order is issued. Delivery of the requested books must be made at NLSA, Pretoria Campus. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the grass cutting and ground maintenance at the Municipal Local Economic Project Sites for the period up to 01 July 2024. Specification: The Municipality of Mossel Bay wish to appoint a contractor for the grass cutting and ground maintenance at the Municipal Local Economic Projects at the following sites 1. Tarka; 2. Kwanonqaba Beehives; 3. Khoeboe Business Park; 4. Thusong; 5. Kwano Business Park; 6. D’Almeida Business Park; 7. Wolwedans. The following services are required at the sites: 1. Cutting of grass - all-inclusive price per cut per area. 2. Pruning / removing of bushes where necessary. 3. Removal of branches where necessary. 4. Spraying of herbicide when visiting the site for grass cutting. All the paved areas must be sprayed. 5. Maintaining the surrounding gardens at the Business Parks by cleaning the flower beds. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals/quotations are hereby invited from all interested service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of red meat at Frontier Hospital for a period of 06 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS