Category 1: Life Safety Systems - Life Safety Upgrade Works for St. Declan's Community College, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford (Тендер №77435147ru)


Страна: Ирландия
Язык: IE
Номер: 77435147
Дата публикации: 08-02-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of social media consultant. Please confirm the contract number. Please note that this proposal was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Expressions of interest are hereby invited for the following: Canteen Services in BMR Marikana - Event. Site: Marikana Operation. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested from competent and experienced service providers for the removal of existing water meters and the installation of new smart water meters in Velddrif area, as set out in the specifications. Specifications: 1. Removal of existing water meters; 2. Take reading of existing water meters; 3. Ensure all connections are free from dirt etc; 4. Install new smart meter; 5. Install new consumer valve and box; 6. Ensure that all connections are dry and no visible leaks are present; 7. Ensure that the serial number of the smart meter is recorded on the supplied form. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby requested to appoint suitable qualified and experienced Training Service Providers (TSPs) to provide both Accredited and Non-Accredited training for the CSS Module for a period of twenty-six (26) months. Accredited Trainings: 1. Accredited Basic Computer Skills; 2. Accredited Financial Management; 3. Accredited HIV/ TB Prevention; 4. Accredited HTS; 5. Accredited Human Resource Management – Labour Legislation. Non-Accredited Trainings: 1. Non- Accredited Mental Health Awareness; 2. Non-Accredited Adherence Support (Department of Health Content); 3. Non-Accredited Basic and Social Media Communication; 4. Non-Accredited COVID 19 Awareness and Vaccination Advocacy; 5. Non-Accredited CSO Strategic Planning: NSP Alignment; 6. Non-Accredited GBV Lives (WHO Curriculum); 7. Non-Accredited Governance and Leadership; 8. Non-Accredited Health Promotion (Department of Health Content); 9. Non-Accredited Human Right, Stigma and Discrimination (GF Curriculum); 10. Non-Accredited Monitoring and Evaluation; 11. Non-Accredited Procurement and Supply Chain Management; 12. Non-Accredited Programme Management; 13. Non-Accredited Risk Management; 14. Non-Accredited RTQII (Department of Health Content); 15. Non-Accredited Social Enterprise Development; 16. Non-Accredited Sustainability; 17. Non-Accredited TB Early Identification and Screening; 18. Non-Accredited Stepping Stones (SAMRC and Project Empower Content). Please confirm the contract number. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Framework Contract for Hiring of Day Care Services Источник: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Archaeological Archival Assistance Services Источник: eTenders - National database for public procurement